Visualising the Future

Boost Your Future Memory

Remembering to do things in the future is called ‘prospective memory.’ Besides using agendas or physical reminders, you can also practice remembering tasks by heart using visualisation techniques. Here’s how:

  1. Pick a future task you need to remember (like taking a prescription after breakfast).
  2. Imagine in detail what you do just before the task (finishing breakfast, wiping your mouth, placing the plate in the sink).
  3. Next, visualise yourself doing the task (opening the drawer, taking the prescription).
  4. Think about a task you need to remember and follow the same steps.
  5. Repeat this visualisation a few times, based on how complex or long the task is.
  6. Do this exercise again later in the day for better recall.

This method helps you mentally link a regular activity with the task you need to remember, making it easier to recall when the time comes.

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