Memory Hacks

Mental Images and Memory Aids

To enhance learning, try and experiment with visual mnemonic techniques. Visual mnemonic techniques are memory aids that involve creating mental images to facilitate the memorisation of information. These techniques leverage the brain’s ability to recall visual images more effectively than abstract concepts. Here are a few examples of visual mnemonic techniques:

  • Acronyms: Forming a word or phrase from the initial letters of a list of items you need to remember. For instance, to remember the order of the planets: “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” represents Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  • Memory Hooks or “Eselsbrücken”: Creating associations between new information and familiar concepts or images. For instance, associating a foreign word with a mental image of something it sounds like in your native language.
  • Spatial Learning: Associating information with specific locations or paths. For example, take some time to visualise a list of items in different rooms of your house and mentally walking through each room to recall the items.
  • Image Association: Creating mental images that represent the information you’re trying to remember. For instance, picturing an apple on your kitchen table when learning the word for “apple” in a new language.
  • Number Association: Connecting numbers with meaningful events or images. For example, associating the number 1979 with the birth year of a friend born in that year.

These techniques aim to make learning more engaging and memorable by tapping into the brain’s natural ability to recall visual information. They provide a structured and creative approach to remembering complex or abstract information through the power of mental imagery.

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