
Which Type of Mindfulness Suits Your Personality?

Mindfulness and meditation don’t universally benefit everyone in the same way. Some might feel overwhelmed rather than at ease with traditional mindfulness practices, for which the journey can feel alienating.

A way to understand if meditation is the right approach for you would be through your measure of state orientation. State orientation is characterised by reactions to feedback and challenges, such as feeling paralysed by criticism or struggling to move on from unresolved issues. People who are more action-oriented, in contrast, may be able to move on more swiftly after a setback or don’t mind a delay in getting something done.

  • Individuals who resonate more with feeling stuck or paralysed by setbacks might find passive mindfulness practices like conscious breathing or introspective meditation less tolerable or pleasant.
  • If traditional seated meditation doesn’t seem appealing or effective for you or if you notice getting very uncomfortable during mindfulness exercises that involve sitting or lying down, exploring more dynamic forms of mindfulness such as walking could offer a more engaging and positive experience.
  • Whether one is more action-oriented or more state-oriented, it is important to note that the benefits of mindfulness and meditation increase with practice, and minor unpleasant feelings may subside with practice as well.
  • If you’re more state-oriented or unsure of your orientation, opt for active mindfulness practices like mindful walking or eating, which may be more beneficial and engaging.

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