Deep Work

Use the four-field scheme to prioritise

While we might not always have full control over how our team’s tasks are carried out, for the ones within our influence, we can try and avoid getting caught up in less important “busywork.” Take a close look at your projects using a simple four-field scheme to figure out which ones would benefit the most from focused deep work sessions. Sort them based on whether they’re ‘urgent’ or ‘important.’

  1. Urgent and Important: These are the top-priority tasks that need immediate attention. Allocate dedicated deep work sessions to ensure you handle them effectively and on time.
  1. Not Urgent but Important: These tasks are crucial but don’t have pressing deadlines. Schedule dedicated deep work time for them since they contribute to your long-term goals and overall success.
  1. Urgent but Not Important: Tasks in this category may seem urgent, but they don’t significantly contribute to your long-term goals. Be mindful not to over-prioritize these and divert your attention from more critical tasks.
  1. Not Urgent and Not Important: These are tasks that aren’t time-sensitive and aren’t crucial to your big-picture goals. Minimize your focus on these to make more room for tasks that align with your overall objectives.

By using this four-field scheme, you can avoid putting too much effort into tasks labeled as ‘urgent/not important’ and ensure that your deep work sessions are spent on projects that truly matter in both the short and long term.

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