Steer clear of screens, especially during breaks. Avoid scrolling through news or social media feeds. Keep in mind that social media apps are designed to be addictive, so limiting your usage requires willpower and intention.
Avoiding scrolling screens or through news or social media feeds during breaks is recommended for several reasons:
- Reduced Eye Strain: Constant screen use, especially for activities like scrolling through social media, can contribute to eye strain and fatigue. Taking breaks away from screens provides relief to your eyes.
- Mental Refreshment: Social media and news feeds can be overwhelming, often bombarding individuals with negative information. Taking a break from screens allows for mental refreshment and a break from information overload.
- Enhanced Focus: Continuous scrolling through social media may lead to a scattered and distracted mind. Disconnecting from screens during breaks can help improve focus and concentration when you return to work.
- Reduced Addiction: Social media apps are designed to be addictive, and limiting screen time is a proactive step in managing and reducing the potential for addiction.
- Mindful Breaks: Engaging in activities away from screens promotes mindfulness during breaks, allowing individuals to be more present and intentional in their relaxation.
If needed, refer to the actions under Try a Growth Mindset: Know You Can Improve for tips on changing habits to cultivate screen-free breaks actively.