Healthy Diet

Reduce Salt Intake

While the body needs some small amounts of salt to sustain its functions, today’s food-rich environment makes it likely that we eat too much salt over extended periods of time. Eating too much salt increases the risk of high blood pressure, a risk factor in itself, but also heart disease and stroke. These conditions are harmful for your brain health.

Here are some areas to start thinking about when looking to reduce your salt intake:

  • Start by moderating the use of salt and high-sodium seasonings, such as soy sauce, fish sauce, and bouillon cubes, during food preparation.
  • Don’t use salt for cooking pasta, rice or potatoes. Better to add salt at the table, because you will need less salt if it is added to the meal at the end.
  • Instead of keeping salt shakers or sodium-rich sauces on the table, consider adding salt with your palm first to control the amount better if you find your meal needs a little extra seasoning.
  • Also, try to cut down on salty snacks, opting for alternatives with less sodium. Make informed choices by selecting products that have a lower sodium content.
  • Enhance your diet with potassium-rich foods, which help balance the effects of salt on blood pressure. Incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables like bananas, oranges, raisins, dates, cooked spinach, broccoli, potatoes, peas, and various leafy greens, which are excellent sources of potassium.

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