Cognitive Performance in Social Situations

Mental Simulation for Social Situations

Mental simulation can be a useful technique for preparing and optimising cognitive performance in social interactions. This mental rehearsal helps you navigate social situations more effectively, reducing anxiety and improving communication.

Here are some pointers to ponder on the next time you have a social event happening:

  • Understand your purpose: Clearly define what you want to achieve or convey in the conversations you are having.
  • Icebreakers: Mentally rehearse potential conversation starters, but don’t worry if you don’t get to use them
  • Anticipate others’ agenda: Consider what potential objectives and questions others in the room might have for you.
  • Prepare for criticisms: During times that are more stressful than usual, prepare for possibly conflictual situations. Think about responses to expected criticisms or tough questions, but don’t overthink these worst-case scenarios.
  • Plan for unwanted questions: Develop strategies for tactfully handling questions you prefer not to answer, like deflection or counter-questions.
  • Some response suggestions: A polite way to respond to unwanted questions could be “this is something we are looking at” or putting up a barrier, “this point is not on the agenda right now”, or asking a question in return, “what do you think about this?”, “is this an important issue for you?”

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