Memorise, Negotiate, and Convince

Embrace the Magic of Storytelling

Embrace the magic of storytelling to persuade and inspire.

  • Begin by identifying the central message you wish to convey to your audience. Do you want to rally support for a cause or ignite belief in an idea? Opt for a narrative that tugs at the heartstrings, emphasising the significance of your cause.
  • Think about personal connections, individual dreams, stories of conquering challenges, workplace triumphs, the joy of witnessing a child’s birth or their graduation, or moments spent in the great outdoors – choose the most engaging story that embodies your cause.
  • Remember, storytelling holds incredible power because it stirs emotions, forges connections, and inspires far more effectively than dry data or lengthy text on a slide.
  • If possible, leave out text on slides entirely when weaving your storytelling into your speech and work solely with images.

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