Body Check-ups

Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Blood Pressure

Your heart, the powerhouse of your body, can be effectively monitored through an electrocardiogram (ECG). This test records your heart’s electrical activity, checking its rhythm and spotting any unusual patterns. Even without symptoms and feeling healthy, it’s a good idea to schedule an ECG with your cardiologist and determine how often you should have follow-ups. As a rule of thumb, the American Heart Association recommends check-ups every two years. If you begin exercising, consider undergoing a stress test to determine if your body’s reaction to exercise is normal.

Additionally, keeping an eye on your blood pressure is crucial. Why not measure it at home every few months with a reliable device, or take advantage of quick checks at your local pharmacy or GP’s office? Keeping blood pressure in check is key to preventing heart issues and strokes, and it also helps reduce the risk of brain diseases in the long run.

Remember, while age can impact blood pressure, stress and being overweight also play a significant role in hypertension.

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