
Practice Sitting or Walking Meditation

Embrace meditation as a regular practice, opting for shorter, frequent sessions over rare, extended ones.

  • Begin with a simple 10-minute session: sit quietly, close your eyes, and observe your thoughts without judgment, focusing on your breath and the goal of clearing your mind.
  • If thoughts come, imagine them as clouds moving across a blue sky, just notice them and let them move past you. With practice, thoughts will occur less frequently or you will notice them moving past quicker.
  • Be aware that meditation isn’t universally perceived as a wellness activity, and it might not be enjoyable for everyone, particularly those with a high state orientation. For such individuals, engaging in active meditation, like mindful walking in a tranquil setting, can be a beneficial alternative. Walk slowly, paying close attention to your body’s movements, and maintain an open awareness without getting lost in thoughts.

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