How Do We Learn And Memorise?


When we learn new material, we often associate it with the room we are in or the people present during the learning episode. This contextual information can help us better retrieve the information, for example, by visualising the room where we learned it.

We can also become aware of the contexts in which we learn best and seek out new learning experiences in those preferred environments, thereby enhancing our ability to memorise material. People have different preferences and abilities for processing, storing, and retrieving sensory information, whether auditory or visual. Understanding and utilising these unique individual characteristics can support your memory.

This quiz is designed to foster greater awareness of brain health but is not intended to replace the expertise of medical or mental health professionals. For more information about the role of quizzes on GetBrainHealthy, read more here.



This quiz is designed to help you discover your unique learning preferences. As you read each scenario, take a moment to reflect on how you usually respond.

Understanding Your Learning Style

Knowing how you prefer to learn is the first step toward improving your memory and study habits. Each question will guide you with gentle suggestions on how to use your learning style to make memorisation easier and more effective.


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